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Mar 18, 2020
Words and meaning
In my previous article I described why and how this strange time might be a chance for musicians to start writing. This isn’t just an...

Mar 18, 2020
Time to write
At a time of crisis for public musical life, performers can remain positive by practising a different way of communicating – with words. Elb

Feb 9, 2020
How to write musicians’ biographies
Musicians' biographies are an essential and powerful part of their careers, but they are often not effective. Here are some tips from one wh

Jan 25, 2020
Peter Cropper’s A–Z of chamber music
In this article, first published at ChamberStudio in 2015, the late and much-missed first violinist of the Lindsays pulled no punches...

Jan 10, 2020
Shmuel Ashkenasi on the art of chamber music
Shmuel Ashkenasi led the legendary Vermeer Quartet for nearly 30 years. In this interview, first published by ChamberStudio, he offers...

Jan 7, 2020
Songs of Innocence and Experience
The classical music world tends to focus on its young stars, but as the recent BBC documentary on Janet Baker demonstrated, our venerable...

Apr 26, 2019
Celebrating Chaplin
The great film maker's under-appreciated musical talents are the focus of this year's 130th anniversary celebrations I'm chuffed that I...

Apr 8, 2019
Life in Teaching: Diana Cummings
Diana Cummings comes from a musical dynasty, and her career spans solo, chamber and orchestral playing. Since 1982 has been a professor...

Apr 8, 2019
Life in Teaching: Stefan Popov
Stefan Popov has been professor of cello at London’s Guildhall School of Music & Drama for 40 years, and before that taught at Boston...

Apr 8, 2019
Life in Teaching: Thomas Martin
Double bassist Thomas Martin studied with Roger Scott in Philadelphia and can trace a teaching pedigree that goes back to Bottesini. In a...

Jan 28, 2019
Mad for it
As research shows that young people are coming to classical music through film and club music, here‘s an article I wrote in 2018 for ISM...

Sep 12, 2018
Primary benefits
A school in one of England’s most deprived boroughs offers proof that putting music at the heart of education offers positive outcomes...

Sep 1, 2018
Inspired by Szigeti
Research on Joseph Szigeti for BBC Radio 3’s Record Review took me back to some old interviews I did when I was at The Strad, where he...

Sep 1, 2018
Getting to know Szigeti
I had the very great pleasure of being on Radio 3’s Record Review this morning with Andrew McGregor (thankfully pre-recorded, as I hadn’t...

Aug 22, 2018
Mission possible
A summer festival in Silicon Valley initiates young players into the joys and challenges of chamber music and then sends them out into...

Jun 26, 2018
My week with Simon Rattle
In June I had the privilege of being part of BE PHIL, an international amateur orchestra conducted by Simon Rattle in Berlin. Read about...

May 2, 2018
How to write a great press release
Musicians can generate their own publicity without spending a penny, by sending out their own press releases. Here are some of the things...

Mar 28, 2018
Getting my fix at half past six
The London Symphony Orchestra’s early evening concert format is a welcome development in the city’s entertainment landscape, for music...

Mar 22, 2018
17 reasons to love amateur musicians
Amateur musicians are a vital part of the classical music world, but don’t always get the recognition or opportunities they deserve or...

Feb 9, 2018
Can string quartets save the world?
The recent Amsterdam String Quartet Biennale explored various aspects of the string quartet format, including the many life lessons it...
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