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May 21, 2020
Revolution in the air
Coronavirus has threatened the classical music world’s very existence while simultaneously showing us how much we all need it. Can the...
Mar 18, 2020
Words and meaning
In my previous article I described why and how this strange time might be a chance for musicians to start writing. This isn’t just an...
Mar 18, 2020
Time to write
At a time of crisis for public musical life, performers can remain positive by practising a different way of communicating – with words. Elb
Feb 9, 2020
How to write musicians’ biographies
Musicians' biographies are an essential and powerful part of their careers, but they are often not effective. Here are some tips from one wh
Jan 7, 2020
Songs of Innocence and Experience
The classical music world tends to focus on its young stars, but as the recent BBC documentary on Janet Baker demonstrated, our venerable...
May 2, 2018
How to write a great press release
Musicians can generate their own publicity without spending a penny, by sending out their own press releases. Here are some of the things...
Mar 28, 2018
Getting my fix at half past six
The London Symphony Orchestra’s early evening concert format is a welcome development in the city’s entertainment landscape, for music...
Jan 15, 2018
Good content is forever
The internet offers musicians fantastic opportunities to build their reputations and legacies, as well as selling their music. They...
Jan 3, 2018
Pictures, please!
Wigmore Hall’s new photography policy offers a sensible way forward in today’s visual culture and more venues should follow suit There...
Apr 5, 2016
20 great violinists
Who are my favourite violinists? A list of 20, which I made for Sinfini Music in 2014, still largely stands, but is sure to provoke a...
Mar 15, 2016
When classical music marketing copy goes wrong
The current Southbank Centre slogan offers a lesson in how not to talk to about classical music There are a few obvious rules in...
Oct 8, 2015
George Eliot on violin-making obsession and the genius of Stradivarius
To mark the UK's National Poetry Day, 8th October, here's George Eliot's great poem about violin making and the obsession with which...
Mar 26, 2015
18 ways to support musicians
I have an article in today's Financial Times about music philanthropy, for which I spoke to some of the legion of generous souls who help...
Jan 14, 2015
9 ways to succeed in music
Today's classical music business may be competitive and tough, but there are also more opportunities than ever. Success lies in knowing...
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